Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Fall Vision Conference
 Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School (IESBVI)
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 West Des Moines, IA - Event will be held at the Sheraton in West Des Moines
 September 29, 2017 - April 30, 2018 - Monthly through April 2018
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Yvette Baker
Registration Information
 No advance notice of registration is necessary. Sign in when you come to the event.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Orientation and Mobility Specialist (OMS) in Iowa work with a variety of students who are blind and visually impaired. In order to meet the needs of each student, an OMS must develop individualized lessons which are designed to meet specific needs, while gaining feedback to determine the effectiveness of each lesson. The OMS must also engage in collaborating with other professionals to complete all necessary assessments. Learning these areas will be accomplished by having subject-knowledge experts present practical information, which the OMS will use to complete follow up assignments through an online course, and engage in professional collaboration on OMS practice and student needs.