All Fees are Listed in USD
Eligibility Application Fee:
Certification Examination Fee:
$490.00 [up to two (2) administrations of the exam]
Certification Fee (Certification is valid for 5 years):
Expedited Approval of Certification Fee:
Recertification Application Fees for COMS, CVRT, CLVT who recertify every 5 years:
Recertification Application Fee:
Recertification Application Fees for CATIS who recertify every 2 years:
Recertification Application Fee:
Recertification Application Fees for CDBIS who recertify every 4 years:
Recertification Application Fee:
Recertification Application of additional certifications at the same time:
Multiple Certification Discount:
Individuals applying for ACVREP Certification in multiple disciplines (CLVT, COMS, and/or CVRT) will be given a discount on the Certification Fee for each additional certificate, after paying the full Certification Fee for the first certificate. The Certification Fee for each additional certificate is $60.00. This discount does not apply to the Eligibility Application Fee, the Certification Examination Fee and/or the Expedited Approval of Certification Fee.
Likewise individuals who recertify in multiple disciplines (CLVT, COMS, and/or CVRT) will be given a discount on the Recertification Application Fee for each additional certificate, when renewing multiple certificates at the same time, after paying the full Recertification Application Fee for the first certificate. The Recertification Application Fee for each additional recertification application submitted within 48 hours of the first recertification is $300.00. This discount does not apply to the Recertification Examination Fee of $350.00.
Late Fees:
A late fee of $75 will be charged if the recertification application is not submitted online before 11:59 PM Eastern time on the 1st day of the month in which your certification expires, for example, by March 1 for March 31 expiry. There are no exceptions. The late fee is automatically charged.
Miscellaneous Fees:
Certificate Replacement Fee:
Certification Handbook [if requested by ground mail]:
$20.00 (plus $2.50 for shipping and handling)
Non-sufficient funds (NSF) policy
A fee of $25.00 will be charged for any check returned due to NSF. Fees must then be paid by money order or cashier check. All fees must be paid in full before any further ACVREP service will be rendered.
Refund policy
All fees and charges, once paid, are non-refundable.