Exciting New Feature for Certificants will Launch June 15 2022

The rapidly growing market trend is to display certification credentials in the form of a digital badge. Digital badges definitely have immense value. As the market evolves it's likely that digital badges will become a truly exchangeable form of skills currency for employers and consumers.

As a result, the Board of Directors of ACVREP voted to invest in digital badges for all certified ACVREP professionals.  The digital badges will be issued in addition to your gold seal embossed paper certificate that will continue to be mailed to you when you certify and recertify.  If you are multiply certified you will receive a digital badge for each certification.

When you display your digital badge at your email signature line or on social media, when someone clicks on that badge a page will display that verifies what your certification is for, when it was originally issued and when your certification will expire.  When you recertify the expiry date will automatically be updated on that page.

There will also be a written detailed description of the visual aspects of the badge on that page.

When the badges are issued to all currently certified professionals on June 15, each certificant will receive an email for each certification that they hold with details on managing and downloading the badge.

The badges take the form of what is becoming recognized as the “digital badge form” – a circle flaring out to a square corner at the top left and inside the circle of the digital badge will be the official logo of the certification.

ACVREP is very excited to offer you this additional way to demonstrate your accomplishment in being a certified professional.