Important Policy change regarding Exam administration

At the regular meeting of the ACVREP Board of Directors in December 2019, the Board amended the policy regarding applicants who are “no shows” for their scheduled exams.

You are required to notify ACVREP 72 hours before any scheduled exam date in order to avoid the Kryterion reschedule fee of $90 that ACVREP collects on behalf of Kryterion.  ACVREP has in the past still allowed the applicants to reschedule for that administration/take of the exam.

The policy change that has been implemented by the Board of Directors is that if you schedule your exam and do not contact ACVREP to reschedule and simply fail to show up for the exam, you will not only be charged the $90 fee, but it will also be deemed as one administration/take of the exam.

For example if you are a no show for your first scheduled exam, you will be deemed to have taken the exam on that date and thus you will only have one retake of the exam available to you.

If you had already taken the exam once and failed and are a no show for your scheduled retake of the exam, you have lost that retake and will need to register and pay for the exam again.

In order not to be considered a no show you must contact ACVREP prior to your scheduled exam.  For questions be contact