Job Openings
Federal Communications Commssion - DC HQ
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Options to be Provided by Applicant(s) – the following services are to be provided:
- Perform orientation and mobility evaluations of the area in and around the FCC HQ facility to assess challenges presented by the FCC HQ building, surrounding area, and transportation options available for employees with mobility-related disabilities (i.e., employees who are blind and/or visually impaired or have other mobility challenges).
- Develop training plans for employees with mobility challenges, including blindness and visual impairment, which shall include: (a) spatial and environmental concepts and use of information received by the senses (such as sound, temperature and vibrations) to establish, maintain, or regain orientation and line of travel (for example, using sound at a traffic light to cross the street); (b) use of supplementary aids (e.g., long cane or service animal), as appropriate, to supplement visual travel skills or as a tool for safety negotiating the environment; (c) understanding and use of residual vision and low vision aids, as appropriate; (d) spatial and environmental information to enable employees with mobility challenges (i.e. people who use wheelchairs or who walk with a cane, walker, or other mobility assistive device); and (e) other spatial and environmental information regarding the FCC HQ building, the FCC’s employee shuttle, nearby transportation options, and the area generally surrounding the FCC HQ.
- Have familiarity with the equipment that blind and/or visually impaired FCC employees utilize to navigate the work space, and tailor training methods, plans, and individual instruction to encompass such equipment;
- Have familiarity with the equipment of FCC employees who utilize wheelchairs or other mobility assistive devices to navigate the work space, and tailor training methods, plans and individual instruction to encompass such equipment;
- Using the methods and accounting for individual needs identified in the training plans, instruct blind and/or visually impaired FCC employees to enable them to travel safely, confidently, and independently in their new and unfamiliar FCC work location, including (but not limited to) to and from their assigned workspace, break rooms, bathrooms, and refuge rooms (used during safety drills and emergencies); navigating to and through the nurse station for first aid needs; to elevators, exits, other common areas, transportation options, service animal break locations, and the immediate area surrounding the facility;
- Using the methods and accounting for individual needs identified in the training plans, instruct FCC employees with other mobility-related disabilities to enable them to travel safely, confidently, and independently in their new and unfamiliar FCC work location, including (but not limited to) to and from their assigned workspace , break rooms, bathrooms, and refuge rooms (used during safety drills and emergencies); navigating to and through the nurse station for first aid needs; to elevators, exits, other common areas, transportation options, service animal break locations, and the immediate area surrounding the facility;
- Maximize the safety of blind and/or visually impaired FCC employees during O&M instruction while fostering maximum independence and skill development conducive to independent travel;
- Maximize the safety of FCC employees who use wheelchairs or other mobility supporting devices during O&M instruction while fostering maximum independence and skill development conducive to independent travel;
- Prepare and use equipment and materials, such as tactile maps or models, in order to provide training to blind and/or visually impaired FCC employees so that the employees are able to navigate newly assigned work locations and/or different work environments, and arrival to and from such locations from nearby public transportation points, as necessary;
- Evaluate the success of training sessions and the progress of trained blind and/or visually impaired employees, to include establishing a following up with each trained employee as soon as practicable after completion of the training sessions, and to provide additional refresher training when necessary or requested. This includes establishing a process for blind and/or visually impaired FCC employees to independently request additional training sessions and assistance when needed, and to be available to fulfill such requests quickly and with regularity;
- Work with the FCC’s Administrative Operations office, including the FCC’s Health and Safety Officer (HSO) and other FCC staff as requested by the HSO or their designee, to transfer the knowledge accumulated when carrying out the terms of this contract and to share all training plans developed both generally and for individual employees; and
- Generate monthly reports and invoicing.
This contract shall be to secure O&M expertise for an initial period of 60-days with options for three additional 30-day periods.
The applicant/specialist shall be available on site at the FCC HQ for three/five days a week for the initial 60 days to conduct both the overall assessments and prepare training plans, to provide in person training and guidance in O&M techniques and analysis for the HSO and other designated employees, and for requests for one-on-one training with employees with disabilities.
The specialist shall be available to provide online advice and support as needed throughout the term of this contract.
If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this posting please provide them by 04/22/2022 to
Interested candidates should otherwise respond to this posting with a proposal by 04/29/2022 to