Job Openings

Northshore Education Consortium


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Job Description


  • District schools in the Massachusetts North Shore area contract with the Consortium for itinerant services for their integrated students with visual impairments 

  • Kevin O’Grady school  students, including students who are medically fragile, have multiple disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Must have the ability to travel between schools



  • Assess students by conducting assessments in functional vision, learning media and CVI Range

  • Complete thorough written assessment reports in a timely manner 

  • Present a thorough list of accommodations and recommendations to be written into the student’s IEP


Direct instruction: 

  • Promote the development of pre-academic skills, concept development and sensory-motor skills in pre-school aged children

  • Plan and implement specially designed direct and consultative services to meet the unique educational needs of students with visual impairments, including braille reading and writing as appropriate, touch typing, use of technology, and compensatory strategies

  • Assist students in maximizing independence including daily living skills, and visual efficiency skills, 

  • Make recommendations for appropriate leisure and social activities according to the ECC

  • Promote the development of social/emotional skills, self-determination and self-advocacy and bring concerns to the attention of team members 

  • Share responsibility with classroom teachers in the identification of instructional areas in which the student requires assistance to be able to keep up with sighted peers.

  • Provides thorough in-service training programs for school personnel and students in September, and through the year as needed

  • Provides assistance to the classroom teacher in academic subjects and activities of the classroom that, as a direct result of the student's visual impairment, require adaptation for the student


  • Assists the site administrator and teachers in making environmental adjustments for the student in the school

  • Functions as an involved TEAM member in selecting and implementing appropriate resources, accommodations and adaptive techniques, participating in TEAM meetings toward determination of appropriate service delivery, accommodations and goals

  • Assists the student, parents, special and regular education personnel, and sighted peers in understanding the unique educational needs and learning characteristics of visually impaired students

  • Assures that large-type or braille texts, supplementary materials, educational aids, and equipment needed by the visually impaired student and the classroom teacher are provided in a timely manner to ensure the student's access to the curriculum

  • Consults regularly with the classroom teacher, other regular and special education personnel, parents, and others to coordinate programs and services for the visually impaired student

  • Consults with parents and teachers regarding services and support available from local programs for visually impaired students, providing information regarding local, state, and national resources for the education of visually impaired students

  • Consults with assessment team to determine appropriate testing materials and modifications needed, specifically for state mandated testing

  • Coordinates with other personnel, such as transcribers, readers, counselors, O&M specialists, career/vocational education staff, and rehabilitation counselors



  • Has Knowledge of or willingness to learn a variety of IEP writing and reporting programs such as Esped, Aspen, or similar

  • Determine current performance level and evaluate progress

  • Authors relevant sections of the IEP in a timely manner

  • Writes thorough reports for yearly and three year evaluation, summarizing student, reporting on current functioning and making recommendations for service



  • Seeks out and participates in appropriate professional development

  • Tracks hours and maintains a record of billable hours, submitting by a monthly due date

  • Maintains professionalism and privacy for student information 

  • Acquires information and training about current research, development, and technology to keep up with advancements in the field

  • Attends department meetings as an active member and shares information with colleagues


Extra Information:

  • We are a part of the Massachusetts Teachers Retirement Board, our staff earns retirement pension for time worked

  • Teachers have a union to ensure 

  • Summer work is optional and hourly, giving staff the opportunity to earn extra money if desired

  • We have a team of TVI and COMS to share ideas and troubleshoot

Masters degree required

DESE Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired 



Phone: 9782109068

Cert: Any Certification