Job Openings

State of TN, Voc. Rehab., TRC-Smyrna


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The Tennessee Rehabilitation Center is a state Vocational Rehabilitation and training center serving adults with disabilities. We’re located in Smyrna, 20 minutes southeast of Nashville. We provide career skills training and job placement assistance to adult Tennesseans with disabilities. We operate in a career and technical model, much like a community college campus, but with on-campus dorms and apartments. For the past year, we’ve been offering our classes online via distance learning, but expect to be back at the center later this year. The O&M Instructor provides one-on-one mobility training to students of varied abilities. 

Below is the link to the position posting information for an O&M Specialist. This is a campus-based position (NOT itinerant.). The posting is open through 11:59 p.m. on Tues., Feb. 9th.

Please contact me with any questions.

Karen A. Davis | Supervisor

Head of Disability Services

Master’s Certified Pre-ETS Specialist

Tennessee Rehabilitation Center

460 Ninth Avenue, Smyrna, TN 37167

Phone: 615-223-8020


Phone: 6152238020

Cert: COMS