Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 iOS Device Training for Orientation and Mobility Specialists and VR Therapists
 Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
View more by this Provider
 Boston, MA - 600 Washington St., Boston
 April 8, 2015 - April 8, 2015 - April 8, 2015
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Casey Hall, Director of TrainingMassachusetts Commission for the Blind
Registration Information
 Registration is by invitation only
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Using IOS devices for training consumers in orientation and mobility (O&M) skills and independent living skills is a piecemeal production as mainstream applications do not target those highly specific skills that consumers with visual impairment need to acquire for safe travel and independent function, nor are they always fully accessible. Using mainstream customizable apps and tweaking them to include specific O&M concepts and maximizing access allows the trainer to produce viable, useful apps that can be used during O&M lessons and throughout the consumer day. Additionally, IOS devices can be used as navigational tools and route planning devices for and with our consumers. Learning how and when to use these tools is a multi-stepped process for our consumers, as is devising a curriculum and process for teaching the discrete steps of IOS navigation. Learning objectives:Learners will be able to identify and customize five mainstream applications for O&M concept development currently available on IOS devices. (.5 hours)Learners will be able to identify four mainstream IOS applications to support record keeping, reporting, and life skills supports for O&M specialists and consumers. (.5 hours)Learners will be able to develop O&M games for orientation training using Keynote and Powerpoint. (1.0 hours)Learners will identify the prerequisite concepts for IOS navigation for consumer use and additional mainstream applications within the IOS family that support independent travel. (2 hours)