Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Coffee, Tea and O-Me
 Available Online - Webinar
 January 10, 2024 - January 10, 2024 - 3:00-4:00PM
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Content Contact:Tim Knight, ed consultanttknight@pattanpgh.net800-446-5607
Registration Information
 Online at www.pattan.net
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Connect with Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS) from across Pennsylvania for engaging discussions that bring together professionals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. During these virtual sessions, guest presenters will share their knowledge, real-world insights, and practical tips from the field. Whether you're an experienced COMS or just starting out in the profession, this networking series will help you empower individuals with visual impairments to navigate their environment confidently and independently. Participants can earn ACVREP and ACT 48 credits while joining in these enriching discussions.Identify challenges faced by individuals with visual impairments while negotiating intersections and crossings in all travel environments to reach destinations. Describe accessible pedestrian signals (APS) that are currently available at some intersections to address specific travel concerns for individuals with visual impairments.Engage with fellow COMS, educators, parents, and professionals in the field of orientation & mobility (O&M) to share ideas, experiences, and best practices.Participate in a dynamic Q&A session to seek clarification and gain deeper insights into specific O&M instructional techniques for intersection analysis that can be incorporated into O&M sessions.