Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Teaching Braille to Adults
 Miss State University NRTC
View more by this Provider
 Available Online
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Kendra Farrow, kfarrow@colled.msstate.edu
Registration Information
 register at https://www.oib-tac.org/
 no cost, free
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Course Description. This is the course description that will be used to share on social media, listservs, and the course website. (<100 words please) Adults of all ages who are blind or have low vision may benefit from learning braille. This course provides strategies and suggestions for instructors of adult learners on how to approach braille learning, use assessment and instructional strategies for reading and writing braille, and keep adults motivated during the learning process. Additionally, course participants will learn how to customize instruction for individuals who are deaf-blind, speak English as a second language, and have other comorbidities. Note that this course is for professionals who already know the braille code and provide braille instruction to adults.< td>