Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Join Scott Davert, Coordinator of Technology, Research and Innovation Center (TRIC), for an immersive session designed to provide you with the skills needed when working with VoiceOver users who are hard of hearing.Explore effective strategies for supporting VoiceOver users, encompassing iPhone compatibility, audiological devices, and optimized gesture configurations. These approaches enhance accessibility for various conditions such as tremors. Additionally, learn how to route VoiceOver audio specifically to hearing aids or CI processors, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive user experience.
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Available Online - Zoom Webinar
 September 14, 2023 - September 14, 2023 - from 1 to 3 PM EDT
CE Hours
 2 hours
Contact Information
 Scott Davert sdavert@helenkeller.org
Registration Information
 Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nD-ND_nuQVyaLT9g5Fl7Gw
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Join Scott Davert, Coordinator of Technology, Research and Innovation Center (TRIC), for an immersive session designed to provide you with the skills needed when working with VoiceOver users who are hard of hearing.Explore effective strategies for supporting VoiceOver users, encompassing iPhone compatibility, audiological devices, and optimized gesture configurations. These approaches enhance accessibility for various conditions such as tremors. Additionally, learn how to route VoiceOver audio specifically to hearing aids or CI processors, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive user experience.