Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Train the Trainer Webinar: Maximizing & Assessing Braille Display Use for DeafBlind Individuals by Using Specific Assessment Techniques
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Available Online - Zoom Webinar
 June 1, 2023 - June 1, 2023 - from 1 to 3 PM EDT
CE Hours
 2 hours
Contact Information
Registration Information
 Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oYuaxjEgTAKy_GiB5tbDSQ
Description of CE Program/Activity
 This webinar will focus on enhancing the knowledge and skills of adaptive technology trainers in identifying the most suitable braille displays for individuals who are DeafBlind and have medical conditions such as diabetic neuropathy or repetitive movement injuries. Trainers will gain insight into the compatibility of various braille devices in the workplace, considering factors such as functionality, size, and computer programs. We will dive into how to conduct a needs assessment for DeafBlind individuals who use a braille display while considering the individual's specific requirements, preferences, and limitations to provide them with personalized recommendations and support.