Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Two-Day Program Featuring O&M and Visual Field Loss with Chris Tabb
 Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada
View more by this Provider
 Vancouver, BC - UBC Faculty of Education 2125 Main MallVancouver, BCV6T1Z4
 May 18, 2023 - May 19, 2023 - 7 hours per day
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Adam WiltonProgram Manager, PRCVIawilton@prcvi.org604-269-2205
Registration Information
 Online registration - Contact Ada Wilton
 No cost.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 When we have a student who is able to score highly on tests and meet the academic curriculum with minimal or no support, do they need services for visual impairment and blindness? There are some students who have enough vision to see those textbooks, screens, and charts with enough near vision to ace exams. Some of these same students struggle to attend to all the visual information that occurs in busy settings, such as passing periods in middle schools and high schools, participating in sport activities with moving players and moving balls, as well as community travel and crossing streets where there are multiple visual targets to attend to. If we only view passing tests as the line of success and independence, are we really preparing these young people for life as adults beyond school? Let's talk about how field loss can impact many areas of life, and what we can do to help students develop strategies that allow them to be involved beyond the classroom setting. This training will provide discussion and hands-on activities for developing greater understanding of the impact of field loss, as well as providing strategies and resources for addressing challenges that are common with loss of visual field, even when acuity is 20/20 or better.