Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 iOS and iPadOS Training: Session 6Blindness Specific Apps
 VA West Palm Beach Blind Rehab Center
View more by this Provider
 Available Online - for internal to the agency training
 March 23, 2023 - March 23, 2023 - na
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Paul Thompson paul.thompson2@va.gov
Registration Information
 Paul Thompson Paul.Thompson2@va.gov
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Introduction:This training will focus on orienting and training blind rehabilitation outpatient staff on using blindness specific apps with accessibility. Apps reviewed will include NLS BARD Mobile, Seeing AI, SuperSense, EnVision AI, TapTapSee, Aira, and BeMyEyes apps. Attendees will learn how/why these apps are important for a Veteran s iPad/iPhone training program and will highlight the positives and negatives for each. Additionally, the audience will also be made aware of the AppleVis website which is a great resource for obtaining information about iPad/iPhone apps, both new and old.Goals:1.Participants will learn how to utilize the NLS BARD Mobile app with accessibility features.2.Participants will learn how to utilize the Seeing AI app with accessibility features.3.Participants will learn how to utilize the SuperSense app with accessibility features.4.Participants will learn how to utilize the EnVision AI app with accessibility features.5.Participants will learn how to utilize the TapTapSee object identifying app with accessibility features.6.Participants will learn how to utilize the Aira and BeMyEyes app with accessibility features.7.Participants will learn how to utilize the AppleVis website to learn about apps for iPads/iPhones, both new and old.