Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 CDE Seminar on Orientation and Mobility - O&M Smorgasbord: Apps, Tools, and Strategies
 Colorado Department of Education
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 Denver, CO - see attached proposal
 May 11, 2023 - May 12, 2023 - 05/11/2023 - 05/12/2023
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Tanni Anthony - anthony_t@cde.state.co.us
Registration Information
 https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/cf4c9a0f8b5e4f3ea4a0bbdfa56c9766This event is only for O&M specialist who reside in Colorado
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The first day topic will be Field Loss: What are We Missing? This training will provide discussion and hands-on activities for developing greater understanding of the impact of field loss, as well as providing strategies and resources for addressing challenges that are common with loss of visual field, even when acuity is 20/20 or better.The second day topic will be Orientation and Mobility Smorgasbord: Evaluations, Apps, and Sensory Efficiency. This training will begin with discussion and resources related to evaluations, followed by apps such as Soundscape, Seeing AI, Goodmaps Outdoors, and other technology for travel in the community; and conclude with a focus on sensory efficiency, and how all three training topics can come together for helping learners grow in independence.