Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 iOS and iPadOS Training: Session 3Siri, Notes app, Phone app, & Contacts app
 VA West Palm Beach Blind Rehab Center
View more by this Provider
 Available Online - Teams Presentation for VA employees only
 February 9, 2023 - February 9, 2023
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Paul Thompson Paul.Thompson@va.gov
Registration Information
 Please contact Paul Thompson Paul.Thompson2@va.gov
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Introduction:This training will focus on orienting and training blind rehabilitation staff on the set-up and use of Siri artificial intelligence, along with 3 oft used apps; Notes, Phone, and Contacts. Attendees will learn how to setup and use Siri, focusing on what tasks she is ideal for, as well as identify some of her shortcomings. The Notes app, Phone app, and Contacts app are all standard apps that are pre-downloaded on iDevices. How the apps work, specifically with accessibility features (VoiceOver/Zoom), and how they can be used during training will be explored.Goals:1.Participants will learn the basics of using Siri on iPads & iPhones. 2.Participants will be oriented-to and learn how to utilize the Notes app, with accessibility feature on iPads & iPhones. 3.Participants will be oriented-to and learn how to utilize the Phone app, with accessibility feature on iPads & iPhones. 4.Participants will be oriented-to and learn how to utilize the Contacts app, with accessibility feature on iPads & iPhones. Objectives:1.Participants will observe a live demonstration on how to use Siri (and Hey Siri , focusing on both the positives and negatives of using the A.I.2.Participants will observe a live demonstration of how to navigate the Notes app using accessibility features. Training focus will be geared towards typing vs. Dictation , how to use it with Siri, how to delete notes, and how to share notes.3.Participants will observe a live demonstration of how to navigate the Phone app using accessibility features. Training focus will be geared towards making calls answering calls and accessing voicemail.4.Participants will observe a live demonstration of how to navigate the Contacts app using accessibility features. Training focus will be geared towards learning how to create/add new contacts, edit existing contacts, and deleting contacts.Overview of Sir, Notes app, Phone app, & Contacts app trainingThis educational demonstrat