Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 DVDIB Pre-Conference "Teaching Multilingual Learners with Visual Impairments"
 Council for Exceptional Children DVIDB
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 Available Online - February 24th - online onlineUp to 6 ACVREP hours9-12:00 session1-4:00 Session
 February 24, 2023 - February 24, 2023 - 02/24/2023
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Nicole Johnsonnjohnson@kutztown.edu
Registration Information
 Free to DVIDB members$60 to non members
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Supporting Students with Visual Impairments when Language might be a Barrier - Session 1 9-12- Participants will recognize challenges when working with students who have visual impairments with English as a second langauge. They will be given strategies and resources to ensure they are meeting the needs of these unique students. Various materials and resources will be shared.Building Language and Literacy Skills of English Learners with Visual Impairments- Participants will understand innovative and engaging ways to build language and literacy skills of English Learners who have Visual Impairments. Many of the resources used are visual and this session will explain strategies to use for non visual learners. Participants will learn how to properly serve who are culturally and/or linguistically diverse through collaboration and innovative teaching techniques.