Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Understanding Violence and Harassment in the VA Workplace
 VA Hines Blind Rehab Center
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 Available Online
 October 18, 2022 - October 18, 2022 - 12-1 CST
CE Hours
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Description of CE Program/Activity
 This training will provide education on intimate partner violence, harassment, including employee harassment, the impact of both, the warning signs of each, how to address it, and resources available. Participants will learn tools to use to intervene (whether they are experiencing or witnessing harassment) and how to report harassment. Learning Objective/Anticipated Learner Outcomes1. Define harassment, its impact, and how to address it2. Explain the purpose, mission, and importance of the White Ribbon VA Campaign3. Define intimate partner violence (IPV), warning signs, and services & resources available in the VA and community4. Explain violence in the workplace, the Disruptive Behavioral Reporting System (DBRS), and employees role in submitting a DBRS5. Describe the protocol for employee-to-employee harassment, including supervisor to employee harassment, and process for reporting