Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Screening Pre-driving / Community Mobility Skills: Assessment of Dynamic Vision and Visuo-cognition
 Envision University
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 Wichita, KS - Available to attend in-person or via livestream webinar. In-person attendees: Envision Research Institute Education Center, 3rd Floor, 610 N. Main, Wichita, Kansas 67203. Livestream webinar attendees via link. The cost for this 2-hour educational event is $30 per person. RSVP https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events. Registrations are requested by March 8, 2022. If you have any special needs and requests, or questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at info@envisionuniversity.org.
 June 23, 2022 - June 23, 2022
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Michael Epp michael.epp@envisionus.com
Registration Information
 Available to attend in-person or via livestream webinar. In-person attendees: Envision Research Institute Education Center, 3rd Floor, 610 N. Main, Wichita, Kansas 67203. Livestream webinar attendees via link. The cost for this 2-hour educational event is $30 per person. RSVP https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events. Registrations are requested by June 20, 2022. If you have any special needs and requests, or questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at info@envisionuniversity.org.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Whether or not people are safe to drive or even navigate within their home and community is a common concern for medical and other human service providers. Because behind-the-wheel evaluators (e.g. Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists, (CDRS)) are a scarce commodity , practitioners need a valid/reliable screening tool that can quickly (and easily) be administered in order to more appropriately make recommendations for further evaluations. The Indoor Mobility Pre-Driver Screen (IMPS) was developed by an occupational therapist working in low vision and outpatient neuro-rehabilitation and this tool has been validated in multiple research projects. The purpose of this session is to introduce and demonstrate the administration and scoring of the newly developed measure. Participants will have a firsthand opportunity in setup, administration, and scoring of the IMPS. All participants will be given access to the assessment (free of charge) as well as appropriate training to immediately begin using the IMPS with clients. Instruction Level: Intermediate; Prerequisites: None. Learning Objectives: 1. Identify components required for pre-driving and indoor mobility. 2. Compare and contrast typically used pre-driving assessments. 3. Identify current gaps and weaknesses in current pre-driving assessments. 4. Set up, perform, and score IMPS. 5. Identify ways to implement IMPS in current professional role.