Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Babies Count: The National Registry for Infants and Toddlers with Blindness and VI(Early childhood series: Babies count 2 of 5)
 Available Online - ZOOM Webinar
 February 7, 2022 - February 7, 2022 - 1-2:30 PM EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Troy Ambrose
Registration Information
 none, FREE
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: The Babies Count project is one of a kind as no other registry of infants and toddlers exist in the United States. The project aims to collect vital prevalence, epidemiological, and demographic information about children aged birth to 3 who are blind or low vision, including characteristics regarding their visual condition, developmental history, family, and early intervention service provision. This information can be used for creating responsive and appropriate support programs for children and their families in both early intervention and school aged programs, improving teacher preparation programs, and funding of program development to meet the unique needs of this growing population. This presentation will introduce, or re-introduce, participants in the information gathered in the project since 1995. Specifically, the latest survey results from 2021 will be reported as a representative sample of the population of infants and toddlers who are blind or low vision. Additionally, participant will be shown how the project is changing and evolving and how they can participate in contributing data to the project. Instructor: DeEtte Snyder, PhD Instructor s Title: Associate Director of Outreach, Birth to 5 Services at the Instructor s Affiliation: Washington State School for the Blind Instructor s Email: DeEtte.Snyder@wssb.wa.gov Instructor: Linda Lyle Instructor s Title: Babies Count Project Manager Instructor s email: llylebc@gmail.com Instructor: Dorinda Rife Instructor s Title: Babies Count Project Manager Instructor s email: dorinda@dorindarife.com Primary Core or ECC Area: Early Childhood Education Target Audience: Teachers of the Visually Impaired/Orientation and Mobility instructors, specifically those who support the Birth to 3 population, Early Childhood Program administrators, Outreach Services administrators, University faculty Pre-requisite knowledge: