Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Spring Procedures for Teachers of the Visually Impaired: Cortical Visual ImpairmentSession 1: What is CVI? How can we explain it to school teams and families?
 South Carolina Vision Education Partners
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 Available Online
 January 28, 2022 - January 28, 2022 - Each session is from 1:00 to 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
CE Hours
 1.5 hours
Contact Information
 Marty McKenzie(803) 896-9787
Registration Information
 To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckfuivrD8iE9MZFwpQaZdhHBYsWOEl08KO
 $0. This is a free webinar.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 What is CVI? How can we explain it to school teams and families? Roman characteristics and phases Dutton/Lueck CVIsoimpacts based on areas of the brainosimultanagnosia, dyskinetopsia, blindsight, Optic ataxia, Looming The key resources on CVIoLearning objectives for this session:Following this session, participants will be able to name and describe the characteristics and phases of CVI as defined by Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy explain the 2-streams of vision and how damage to those systems impact vision in children with CVI access the most current information on CVI from various sources