Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Advanced Applications of Snap Circuits
 Available Online - ZOOM Webinar
 July 14, 2021 - July 14, 2021 - 12-1 PM EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Troy Ambrose
Registration Information
 none, FREE
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: The four Snap Circuit kits have over 170 projects when used individually, but if added together even more creative projects can be made using this accessible APH product. Join this webinar for advanced learning opportunities, exploring how the world of electronics and coding come alive when combining kits and adding extra parts. Instructor: Ken Perry Instructor s Title: Senior Software Engineer Instructor s Affiliation: American Printing House for the Blind Instructor s Email: kperry@aph.org Instructor: Heather Mackenzie Instructor s Title: Technology Project Manager Instructor s Affiliation: American Printing House for the Blind Instructor s Email: hmackenzie@aph.org Primary Core or ECC Area: STEM Target Audience: TVI or Home school parents Pre-requisite knowledge: Knowledge of Snap Circuits (Previous session) Lesson Plan Goal: Show combinations of kits and how they can make advanced creations. Learning Objectives: 1. Combine kits and coding applications to create advanced robotics 2. Sequence electronics instruction using Snap Circuits and other tools 3. Identify how to access additional Snap Circuit kit parts 4. Create instructions to build advanced robotics, which can then be share with educational communities 5. Describe various coding tools Materials Needed: None but having Snap circuits on hand is not bad.