Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Living with Low Vision: An overview of available services, assistive technologies, and funding.
 Available Online - ZOOM Webinar
 June 15, 2021 - June 15, 2021 - 12:30-2 PM EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Troy Ambrose
Registration Information
 none, FREE
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: In the second of two webinars on low vision, attendees will learn about assistive technology and services that help people with low vision perform everyday tasks. Using the state of Massachusetts as a case study, the presenters will illustrate the needs, available services, and funding for 3 different groups, namely: a low vision student, a professional working remotely, and a patient with multiple disabilities. Different funding options will be discussed including federal funding to address learning loss for students in K-12 education. Instructor: Dr. Alexis G. Malkin Instructor s Title: OD Instructor s Affiliation: n/a Instructor: David Bradburn, Instructor s Title: AT Specialist Instructor s Affiliation: HumanWare Primary Core or ECC Area: Low vision Target Audience: Teachers of the Visually Impaired, O&M Specialists, and some individuals Pre-requisite knowledge: no Materials Needed: n/a Page Break Lesson Plan Goal: Using case studies, participants will be introduced to low vision services that include low vision assistive technology, vocational rehabilitation, school-based accommodations, independent living, orientation and mobility training and much more. Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to Describe the conditions and functional vision levels that qualify as Low Vision Discuss types of services available to people with low vison including: assistive technology, vocational rehabilitation, school-based accommodations, independent living, and orientation and mobility training Differentiate the applications of common low vision tools including: Smart phone/tablet apps and accessibility features, video Magnification, head-mounted displays, computer software including Zoomtext