Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Anoxic Brain Injury: Identifying and Managing Cortical Vision Impairment in Adults and Children
 Envision University
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 Available Online - Available Online - The cost for this 2 hour livestream webinar educational event is $30 per person. RSVP by registering at Courses and Events/Events, Low Vision Grand Rounds April 22, 2021; www.envisionuniversity.org. Registrations are requested by April 18, 2021. If you have any special needs and requests, or questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at info@envisionuniversity.org.
 April 22, 2021 - April 22, 2021
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Michael Epp michael.epp@envisionus.com
Registration Information
 The cost for this 2 hour livestream webinar educational event is $30 per person. RSVP by registering at Courses and Events/Events, Low Vision Grand Rounds April 22, 2021; www.envisionuniversity.org. Registrations are requested by April 18, 2021. If you have any special needs and requests, or questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at info@envisionuniversity.org.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Cortical vision impairment (CVI) refers to a neurological insult and visual dysfunction with an otherwise normal ocular examination with normal pupillary function. Cortical vision impairment has become one of the leading causes of visual impairment in children in developed countries and the leading cause of CVI in children is hypoxic ischemic injury in the perinatal period. Adults that experience anoxic brain injury also develop cortical vision impairment and yet most of what we know concerning CVI pertains to children. This course will discuss the management of CVI in children and how we can use similar methods in the management of adults with CVI secondary to anoxic brain injury. 1. Describe how neurologic insult causes the visual dysfunction that occurs in anoxic brain injury in both children and adults. 2. Describe cognitive visual dysfunction in adults and children. 3. List the CVI characteristics identified in children and which characteristics are also found in adults with CVI. 4. Describe the recommended targeted intervention for the management of CVI in children and how that can be modified to manage adults with anoxic brain injury.