Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Assistive Technology Assessment Series (3 Sessions)
 Allied Instructional Services
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 Available Online - Session 1: Thurs. 2/25/21; Session 2: Thurs. 3/4/21; Session 3: Thurs. 3/11/21
 February 25, 2021 - March 11, 2021 - 3:00-4:30 Eastern Standard Time for each session
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Kristen Lavergne at klavergne@alliedinstructional.com
Registration Information
 Click on the following link to register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hU3GdFt1TkexbF9xWMHoyK0q15EcMJdJlXQ8RON3NbZURFY2UERMOTRNMVdYWlNTNkU1S0lFT1ZUNS4u
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Join Amanda Thompson, TVI, O&M Instructor for this 3 part series! Participants will:*be able to identify the three major Assistive Technology Assessment frameworks/processes (two general, one B/VI specific). *know how to address AT in the IEP and how it is defined in IDEA.*list information needed before starting the AT Assessment. *be able to choose an appropriate assessment tool or tools for their students' unique needs. *know how to summarize students' current performance and skills/knowledge with technology in an AT Report.*be able to analyze students needs to determine potential appropriate AT devices to meet student needs.*be able to list characteristics of AT solutions and compare/contrast devices to make AT recommendations.*be able to justify AT recommendations and potential alternative solutions to student-access issues.