Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 MATT Connect: Advantages of Accessories for In-person and Remote Learning
 Available Online - online Zoom webinar
 February 12, 2021 - February 12, 2021 - 12-1pm (eastern)
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Amy Campbell
Registration Information
 none, FREE
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: Did you know that the MATT Connect has several accessories that can boost user access and usage in and out of the classroom? This webinar will feature Eric Beauchamp of HumanWare, illustrating how Bluetooth keyboards, stylus, battery packs, and external monitors can maximize the use of the MATT Connect for in-person and remote learning. Instructor: Eric Beauchamp Instructor s Title: Director of Product Management Instructor s Affiliation: HumanWare Instructor s Email: eric.beauchamp@humanware.com Target Audience: Teachers, Assistive Technology Specialist, Parents, Students Pre-requisite knowledge: None Lesson Plan Goal: The participant will list MATT Connect accessories that can be used for academic tasks. Learning Objectives: Participants will list the steps to set up at least one accessory of the MATT Connect. Participants will identify at least one benefit for each of the following accessories; Bluetooth keyboard, stylus, battery pack, & external monitor. Participants will explain how to use at least two accessories of the MATT Connect.