Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Building Accessible PowerPoints
 Available Online - online Zoom webinar
 February 15, 2021 - February 15, 2021 - 1-2:30pm (ET)
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Amy Campbell
Registration Information
 none, FREE
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: PowerPoints by Microsoft are one of the most popular tools used to organize lessons, meetings and presentations in the educational setting. They are even used to create handouts! This webinar will walk through the steps to make PowerPoint files more accessible for those participants with low or no vision.Instructor: Leanne GrillotInstructor s Title: National Director of Outreach ServicesInstructor s Affiliation: American Printing House for the BlindInstructor s Email: lgrillot@aph.orgTarget Audience: Vision professionals of any area, general education teachers, special education teachers, professionals who wish to present with APHPre-requisite knowledge: General knowledge of how to build a PowerPoint Learning Objectives: Learners will identify which text colors, sizes, and animations are best for audiences with low vision. Learners will distinguish between layouts and experiment with checking order of slide content. Learners will identify the two reasons for alternative text, locate where to place alternative text, and design alternative text. Learners will identify what type of tables to include and how to make them accessible for audiences using screen readers. Learners will create accessible links in PowerPoints. Learners will identify two ways to check PowerPoints for accessibility.