Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 O&M in a Virtual World: A Model for Providing Services to Deaf-Blind Adults
 Available Online - Zoom: https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f8QTJiuJS3OWUFEDzhHHfw
 November 18, 2020 - November 18, 2020 - 3:30pm-5:30pm eastern
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Amy Campbell
Registration Information
 Zoom: https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f8QTJiuJS3OWUFEDzhHHfw
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Description: With the current pandemic Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) had to change its approach to serving Deaf-Blind adults. This webinar will explore the process as it s unfolding. Join us as we explore this model together.Lesson Plan Goal: Participants will understand how the Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) has adjusted its approach to serving Deaf-Blind adults in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These adjustments include the development of a virtual model for delivery of O&M services to persons with deafblindness. Participants will learn about how this model was developed and explore how the implementation process is unfolding. Learning Objectives: Participants will describe at least two ways in which virtual O&M instruction is meeting the needs of the DB community during COVID-19. Participants will describe at least two impacts of COVID-19 on the DB community Participants will identify at least three communication accommodations for DB consumers Participants will analyze at least three ways virtual O&M assessments and goals are based on the foundational knowledge of orientation and mobility instruction.