Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Vision Enhancement and Restoration Devices: A Review of Devices that Have Come Off the Market
 Envision University
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 Available Online - Available Online - Available at https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events
 October 16, 2020 - August 14, 2023
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Michael Epp michael.epp@envisionus.com
Registration Information
 Available at https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events
Description of CE Program/Activity
 This course provides a review of recent devices that have come off the market and how technology research and development, including performance studies and FDA processes, led marketing the devices for the visually impaired population.Instruction Level: IntermediateLearning Objectives: 1. Define the research and development process that assures safety and effectiveness in devices that provides assistance for people with blindness or visual impairment. 2. Describe specific results of clinical/performance studies of devices to better understand how the provider and user can understand and evaluate the marketing claims of the device manufacturer. 3. Characterize the limitations and the potential of the exciting new field of devices for providers and users of the new neuro-protective, neuro-restorative or neuro-replacement technology. 4. Provide specific examples of new technology that has come on the market in light of the lessons learned from devices that have not been accepted by the field.