Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Hidden features and useful gestures in Connect 12
 Available Online - This session will be presented on Zoom.
 October 14, 2020 - October 14, 2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
CE Hours
 1 CE hour
Contact Information
 humanwarelive@humanware.com or education@humanware.com
Registration Information
 Please click here to register in advance: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_31u_DoLcSkydirkUCuBtMA
 Free of charge
Description of CE Program/Activity
 To enhance the overall student/user experience and maximize productivity in class, at work or at home, Connect 12 integrates series of gestures that save you valuable time while performing various tasks. During this session, participants will learn the most popular gestures when using the magnifier, multi finger gestures for advanced system toggle and shortcut gestures for managing files in the gallery app.