Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 MAER 2020 Fall Virtual ConferenceBeyond Vision Loss: Partnerships for Successful Transition Toward Autonomy
 MAER [Mississippi]
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 Available Online
 October 8, 2020 - October 10, 2020 - 10/08/2020 - 10/10/2020
CE Hours
Contact Information
Registration Information
 AER Members: $30 Non-AER Members: $40Free to Veterans & students who have visual impairments
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Participants will learn from experts in the field of blindness and low vision the strategies and resources they use for successful goal attainment. Participants will hear the voices of young adults and their families as they share their personal stories in the process through transition. Participants will also hear from more seasoned adults who have successfully transitioned to becoming competent in their working environments despite their visual impairment.