Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 APHs Makers Space Series Introducing Snap Circuits, Snapino, and Careers in Electronics
 Available Online - https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vA-nTVk1Tx-cU20q-LIOlw
 July 20, 2020 - July 20, 2020 - 12 to 1:30 pm EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Leanne Grillot, lgrillot@aph.org
Registration Information
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Join members of the APH team and several visually impaired professionals to learn more about working in the electronics field. APH will begin by highlighting applications of Snap Circuits Jr and Snapino. Two solutions adapted to enable students to form concepts in electronics. APH will also welcome several professionals working in the field of electronics. They will talk about their passion for their work and the path that led them to careers in electronics. The participant will learn what a primary electrical circuit is and what is meant by a series circuit using the accessible Snap Circuits Jr kit. The participant will learn how to make a blinking light circuit and how adding the two Snap Circuit kits can create an accessible talking and blinking light circuit. The participant will identify three careers in electronics pursued by persons who are blind and visually impaired.