Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Routines Based Instruction, Collaboration in the School and Home Settings
 Available Online - https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IjOW7J2fQRSPtohsL2bgWw
 July 29, 2020 - July 29, 2020 - 11:30 am to 1 pm EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Leanne Grillot, lgrillot@aph.org
Registration Information
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Distance Learning has challenged teachers of the visually impaired and parents of learners with Visual and Multiple Disabilities to adapt and adjust to a newnormal. These learners may be the most at risk for regression and disruptive behaviors due to a lack of coherence and understanding of changes in their daily activities. Millie Smith, author of APH's Sensory Learning Kit, and Stacey Chambers, a TVI colleague, have recently published in theJournal of Visual Impairment and Blindnesson the effectiveness of routines-based intervention for sensorimotor learners. Millie and Stacey will share insight and practical strategies for teachers and parents to utilize routines-based instruction in the classroom and home settings, both during "distance learning" and beyond. 1. Share findings of recently published JVIB research study on the value of routines-based instruction for learners with MVI. 2. Share the typical process for scripting and perfecting a routine, including the key steps of assessment, team collaboration for scripting steps, embedding IEP goals, and ongoing progress monitoring. 3. Share at least 3 practical strategies for teachers and families for developing and implementing routines in the school and home settings.