Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Freedom of Movement
 Available Online - https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0b40M2RXRPmLq7eOqCMHTQ
 June 26, 2020 - June 26, 2020 - 12 to 130 pm EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Leanne Grillot, lgrillot@aph.org
Registration Information
Description of CE Program/Activity
 We will discuss activating brain plasticity and the practicalities of FlashSonar for self-determined freedom. We will explore an adaptation model of blindness toward self-determined freedom of movement and achievement based on the current science of developmental neural plasticity to discover how the brain can learn to see and interact with the environment when the eyes are not working. We will also cover techniques and strategies for helping learners move through the four steps of stimulus discrimination which pertains to learners of all ages with special consideration given to early developmental stages, including infants and toddlers. 1. Participants will identify at least two disruptive mechanisms of self-determined freedom of movement. 2. Participants will identify how the brain naturally acquires self-determined freedom of movement using environmental information. 3. Participants will identify at least three perception-based principles to help activate brain mechanisms to foster self-determined freedom and achievement, even when this process has been disrupted. 4. Participants will learn at least three strategies for fostering development of four major brain processes - perceiving, acting, thinking, and socializing.