Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Live Webinar- NCUEB: National Certification in Unified English Braille
 Available Online
 June 10, 2020 - June 10, 2020 - 12:00-1:00 Arizona time (12:00 Pacific/1:00 Mountain/2:00 Central/3:00 Eastern)
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Cody Alvarez calvarez@seeitourway.org
Registration Information
 Register online at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hhH3uyguSZGK4fj8A6s5GQ
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Abstract : Ever wondered why we adopted UEB (Unified English Braille)? Have you ever heard of the NCUEB: National Certification in Unified English Braille? Ever wondered how you can prove your proficiency in UEB? Ever wondered why it is important to have certifications post-graduate? Come join us to get these questions answered and more! Goals of presentation: 1.Participants will get a basic understanding of reasoning behind and the importance of the adaption of UEB 2.Participants will come away with understanding of the importance of being certified in UEB3.Participants will come away with a basic understanding of the NCUEB examination process