Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Microsoft Teams with JAWS and Screen Readers: How they can work together
 Available Online - https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RcXbHTthTUGFVdvQ23fphQ or https://www.aph.org/athomewithaph-webinars/
 May 18, 2020 - May 18, 2020 - 12 to 1:30 pm EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Leanne Grillot, lgrillot@aph.org
Registration Information
 https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RcXbHTthTUGFVdvQ23fphQ or https://www.aph.org/athomewithaph-webinars/
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Join Cody Laplante, Co-Founder of eye.t as he demonstrates how to get set up with Microsoft Teams as a solution for providing online instruction to students that use a screen reader. Eric Damery, VP of Software Development at Vispero, will follow Codys presentation at 1:00 PM. From 1 PM to 1:30 PM, Eric will outline options that are available to acquire Jaws and ZoomText through APH with or without quota funds.Learning Objectives: 1.The participants will be able to identify the 3 major command structures needed to access Microsoft Teams2.The participants will be able to explain the 3 step process for making a video call to a specific student.3.The participants will be able to explain the 3 step process for making a video call to a group of students.4.The participants will be able to identify 3 additional navigation shortcuts that can also be used to navigate.