Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Expanding the Braille Literacy Technology Toolbox
 Available Online - https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2dS0rymoR-y48h_zuz2fjw
 April 29, 2020 - April 29, 2020 - 12 pm EST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Leanne Grillot
Registration Information
 https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2dS0rymoR-y48h_zuz2fjw or visit https://www.aph.org/athomewithaph-webinars/
Description of CE Program/Activity
 In the past, if TVIs and students wanted access to refreshable braille on Quota, they often had to choose one device. That device may have had a particular number of cells, lacked a keyboard, or had features that may or may not have worked for an individual student. Today, as fast as technology changes, the importance of filling ones technology toolbox with the right tools for a specific student grows. This session will explain two new refreshable braille devices from APH, offering choice based on student needs, and providing powerful features to support a student as they learn and grow.