Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Ensuring Equal Access and Participation
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Available Online
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Ryan Lensman
Registration Information
 Interested people register for the course by going to www.helenkeller.org/hknc/available-classes. At the site the user will need to register for the site and login to an account. The user then will choose the course "Ensuring Equal Access and Participation"
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Helen Keller National Center is pleased to offer Ensuring Equal Access and Participation. This module is geared toward professionals who work with or support individuals who are deaf-blind but can also be beneficial for family, friends and anyone interacting with an individual with a combined vision and hearing loss. It provides a general understanding of ways in which the setting and interactions or activities can be adapted to allow a deaf-blind person increased access to their environment. Topics such as the provision of visual and environmental information, deaf-blind culture, respectful interactions and lighting and environmental considerations as well as many more will be discussed.Understanding basic information about accessibility and supporting the full participation of people who are deaf-blind is important for anyone who is working with, living with and supporting a person with a combined vision and hearing loss. Knowing how to provide visual and environmental information is critical in ensuring that a person who is deaf-blind has access to the information they need to make decisions and interact with their environment on their own terms. It is particularly important for those working with individuals who are deaf-blind to understand that their role is to provide access and information, not to make decisions for the person. Feeling comfortable with the social norms relating to approaching, communicating and interacting with people who are deaf-blind ensures that interactions are respectful, enjoyable and that the person who is deaf-blind can participate fully and equally.