Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Introduction to Deaf-Blindness and Etiologies
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Available Online
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Ryan Lensman
Registration Information
 Interested people register for the course by going to www.helenkeller.org/hknc/available-classes. At the site the user will need to register for the site and login to an account. The user then will choose the course "Introduction to Deaf-Blindness and Etiologies"
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Helen Keller National Center is pleased to offer Introduction to Deaf-Blindness and Etiologies. This module is geared toward professionals who work with and/or support individuals who are deaf-blind but may also be beneficial for family members, friends and anyone interacting with an individual with a combined vision and hearing loss. It provides a general understanding of deaf-blindness including types of deaf-blindness, vision and hearing conditions, an overview of the various etiologies, and information about possible implications of deaf-blindness.