Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Remaining Current in the Deaf-Blind World
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Available Online
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Ryan Lensman
Registration Information
 Interested people register for the course by going to www.helenkeller.org/hknc/available-classes. At the site the user will need to register for the site and login to an account. The user then will choose the course "Remaining Current in the Deaf-Blind World"
Description of CE Program/Activity
 This online module can be used in several ways as a self-study course, with a small group of family, friends or colleagues, as a supplement to a university course or as a requirement for people working with people who are deaf-blind in medical or care facilities. Throughout this training series, we use the term deaf-blind to refer to a diverse population of individuals with varying degrees of combined vision and hearing loss. Helen Keller National Center has historically followed the guidelines that the consumer organization, American Association of the Deaf-Blind (AADB) established by using the term deaf-blind. Recently, AADB changed its use of the term to DeafBlind. HKNC is a federally funded agency authorized by the US Congress and, therefore, does not have the authority to change their use of the term deaf-blind to DeafBlind. HKNC recognizes the value behind the term DeafBlind, that each persons experience is unique and includes much more than his or her vision and hearing loss. HKNC continues to align its philosophy and services with this meaning and recognizes the communitys preference for the term DeafBlind. HKNC continues to work with federal authorities to change the term from deaf-blind to DeafBlind