Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Wheelchair Mobility for Individual with Visual Impairment Seminar
 Available Online - https://zoom.us/j/984017817Meeting ID: 984 017 817
 April 13, 2020 - April 13, 2020 - 8 am to 3 pm Alaska ST
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Sarah Moreau, smoreau@alaskabvi.org
Registration Information
Description of CE Program/Activity
 A full day of interactive learning about persons with a visual impairment and needing an ambulatory device. Merging allied health professionals with visual rehabilitation professionals in a multidisciplinary approach to better persons on our caseloads to reach their goals. Participants will gain a basic understanding of common low vision eye conditions, a brief overview of orientation and mobility, introduction and interactive session on using a long white cane with a wheelchair, and pulling it all together from an OT perspective of how to merge the two field together. Thus, creating a positive and cohesive multidisciplinary team approach.