Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 CVI Parent Workshop / Statewide Vision Meeting
 Minnesota Department of Education
View more by this Provider
 Available Online
 April 19, 2020 - April 19, 2020
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Kristin Oien
Registration Information
 Zoom Meeting
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) Parent WorkshopApril 19, 2020 via Zoom, 12 p.m. 5 p.m.Workshop Description:Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) is the leading cause of visual impairment in children in the USA. As many of the children/youth who have CVI do not present with additional ocular impairments, they often receive normal results on clinical vision exams, because the damage resulting in abnormal vision is not in the structures of the eyes, but in the connection between the eyes and the brain. Children with CVI present with unique visual behavioral characteristics, across a range of visual functioning and adaptive needs. Due to the nature of this neurologically-based visual impairment, children/youth with CVI can achieve significant progress in visual functioning given the appropriate supports and meaningful interventions. Families of children with CVI are generally the best observers of their child s visual behaviors, and often have played an integral role in the development and dissemination of best practices impacting education professionals and systems. Since CVI intervention involves actual progress in neurological-visual processing, it is critical that children with CVI have supports in place both at home and in school. Families require the support of collaborative educational teams, and ongoing training in current research and practices concerning CVI interventions, to connect best practices in schools with home-based and community-based adaptations and activities. These sessions provide a review of current CVI research, and a focus on practical resources and strategies to support ongoing progress at home and in the community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, families and professionals have been significantly challenged to provide child-centered, meaningful instruction and opportunities to continue to implement CVI interventions throughout the day.