Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 2020 Michigan AER Annual Conference: Think Differently, Make A difference
 Livonia, ME
 April 23, 2020 - April 24, 2020 - 04/23/2020 - 04/24/2020
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Amy McDonald-Lamiman, MAER Presidentw: 248-209-2354email: amy.mcdonald-lamiman@oakland.k12.mi.us
Registration Information
 register online through cvent. Contack MAER President for link to registration.
 Category, one/two day;Aer member $110/$160; non-member $160/$220; Student $0/$30; Parent or retiree $$80/$110; Vendor for profit $125; Vendor non-profit $25; Presenter $70/$100
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Two day annual spring conference sponsored by Michigan AER. Keynote speaker is Tyler Merrin, motivational speaker and para-Olympic goalball player.