Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Low Vision Rehabilitation from Neurological Dysfunction
 Whittaker Consulting
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 Available Online - A hands-on 1 day course to accompany the online course can be sponsored by an agency.
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
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Registration Information
 Prerequisite skills: evaluation of reading acuity, lighting needs and contrast sensitivity as well as human sighted-guide technique. If you have not taken any low vision courses, I recommend: 1) Screening for Vision Disability (Free course), 2) Evaluation and First Response Interventions Part 1 in the Introduction to Low Vision Series.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The student will learn how to evaluate and provide rehabilitation interventions when encountering low vision from neurological dysfunction including stroke, traumatic brain injury and concussion. This course will enable you to perform confrontation fields, functional visual field testing and eye movement testing that will indicated advanced treatments that can be provided in medical rehab settings. Included will be interventions for visual field loss, spatial neglect syndrome including clothing or constructional apraxia, and perceptual dysfunction. These are not video-taped lectures but rather the presentations involve an interactive Storyline presentation, richly illustrated with graphic and video demonstration where you view the world through the eyes of people with different types of vision impairment. First Response interventions are described for oculomotor and binocular vision disorders. Advanced treatment involving specialized devices such as magnifiers, and non-sighted techniques involve an additional 30 hours of instruction available by an online self-study or Webinar Tutorial.