Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 NYSAER Conference - Never Fear, Technology s Here: Empowering Professionals with Current Best Practices from Low Tech to High Tech
 Syracuse, NY
 October 27, 2019 - October 29, 2019
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Erin Altieri - 315-247-1997; purpletvi108@gmail.com
Registration Information
 Find the online registration link at https://www.nysaer.org/2019-conference
 Full Conference (Sunday - Tuesday) - AER MEMBER ($175): Includes all programs, meals, coffee breaks, Awards BanquetFull Conference (Sunday - Tuesday) - NON-AER MEMBER ($225): Includes all programs, meals, coffee breaks, Awards BanquetFull Conference (Sunday - Tuesday) - STUDENT ($90): Includes all programs, meals, coffee breaks, Awards BanquetPresenter -- You attend for FREE on the day of your presentation ($50/day for each additional day of the conference): Includes all programs, meals, coffee breaks. If you wish to attend the Awards Banquet on Monday night, please submit an additional $30 at the conference table registration.One Day Only ($90) - If you wish to attend the Awards Banquet, please submit an additional $30 at the conference table registration.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Keynote speaker: Gus Chalkias - An assistive technology instructor who was born with RP. He will share his expertise and knowledge with all of us.6 time frames in which to choose from among 20 workshops that cover topics of both low and high tech. They are geared toward those who work with those who are visually impaired, including VRTs, TVIs, and O&Mers.