Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 At the End of the Rainbow: Maximize the Value of Time Spent on Color andLight Assessment
 Envision University
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 Available Online - Available at https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events
 August 20, 2019 - June 19, 2022
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Michael Epp michael.epp@envisionus.com
Registration Information
 Register and complete the course online at www.envisionuniversity.org.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Simple things often make a world of difference. One of these is using task lighting and tints to enhance visual performance. This course is a primer on how to recommend lighting and tints to optimize visual performance for those with low vision, and how to maximize the value of time spent with patients on lighting assessment. Important properties and measures of both lighting and color are described and demonstrated, along with discussions of how the eye perceives light, color and contrast. Methods to efficiently assess lighting and tint needs are presented, including how to maximize the value of your time. Calibrated versus conventional exam methods are discussed. Commonly available light sources are described, including technical advantages and cost considerations. 1. Gain knowledge of lighting and color filter principles. 2. Specify measures key to optimizing visual performance. 3. Provide a scientific basis to assess and discuss lighting and tint needs. 4. Learn how to convert tint and near-vision lighting assessments into recommendations. 5. Maximize the value of time spent with patients on lighting and filter assessment.