Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Webinar: Magnifying Spectacles: How they work and who they're right for!
 Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc.
View more by this Provider
 Available Online
 August 26, 2019 - August 26, 2019
CE Hours
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Registration Information
 "To register for this event and see a list of our upcoming webinars, please visit our website at www.eschenbach.com/news-and-events/webinars.asp."
 There are no fees to attend this webinar. In order to receive credit, you must stay until the end of the webinar. When the webinar is complete, please contact our Customer Service department at (800) 487-5389, and let them know that you have attended our webinar and would like to receive credit. The ACVREP credit costs $15 and you can pay by credit card, check or if you are an Eschenbach customer you can be invoiced. Once we receive your payment we will email you an Evidence of Attendance certificate which is good for 1 ACVREP Continuing Education Credit.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Magnifying Spectacles are one of the most important categories of low vision aids that are available for visually impaired patients. They are essential to carry in any practice or agency because they are ideal for extended near tasks such as reading and crafts, as they allow users to have their hands-free. Learn what Spectacle Magnifiers are, how they work, how to use them, and what types are available!