Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Welcoming Students with Visual Impairments/Blindness to Your School
 Missouri School for the Blind Outreach Services
View more by this Provider
 Available Online
 October 19, 2020 - October 19, 2020
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Jane Herder Director Outreachj ane.herder@msb.dese.mo.gov314 633 1587
Registration Information
 Register at https://msb.dese.mo.gov/outreach-services/pro-development.htmlThis presentation covers the basics of teaching students with a visual impairment/blindness. Accommodations, modifications, procuring braille and large print textbooks, low vision aids, library and professional development materials, and Orientation and Mobility will be covered. An excellent course for those new to teaching the VI/B, special education administrators, related service providers, families and paraprofessionals.
 No cost
Description of CE Program/Activity
 LEARNING OUTCOMES / OBJECTIVES: Discover ways that will help students with visual impairments build independence and social skills Discover resources for large print versions of book can be acquired Describe the relationship between specific visual impairments and environmental adaptations in both home and school environments. Examine the day-to-day impact of visual impairment within the classroom. Distinguish the role of vision and hearing in the acquisition of social skills: e.g., observing body language and facial expressions, searching for people to connect with socially, looking for cues to participate in conversation or activity. Locate information and local resources on Orientation and Mobility Summarize the importance of the development of O&M skills for a student with visual impairment. Explain screen magnification options