Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Gateways to Independence 2019
 Louisville, KY - Kentucky School For the Blind1867 Frankfort Ave Louisville, Kentucky 40206
 July 16, 2019 - July 17, 2019
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Beth Baker- Beth.Baker@ksb.kyschools.usTeri Ritchie- Teri.Ritchie@ksb.kyschools.us
Registration Information
 Registration is being done through Event Brite and can be accessed at the following link:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gateways-2019-the-sensory-motor-learner-slk-strategies-with-millie-smith-tickets-58735884612?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MTYwOTc1NzkvYmV0aC5iYWtlckBrc2Iua3lzY2hvb2xzLnVzLzA%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=attend
 $85- there is an additional fee if a credit card is used to pay through Event Bright.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 THE SENSORY MOTOR LEARNER & SENSORY LEARNING KIT STRATEGIES WITH MILLIE SMITHMillie Smith will provide training on assessment and intervention strategies for learners of ANY AGE who are at the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. Using the Sensory Learning Kit (SLK), you will develop skills that enhance the quality of the life for learners with the most significant challenges by helping to build basic cognitive and communication skills.Millie Smith is a consultant for students with visual and multiple impairments. She is the co-author of the AER Warren Bledsoe Award winning book, Visual and Multiple Impairments: A Resource Guide. After nearly thirty years of teaching and outreach consulting at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Millie became a consultant with the American Printing House for the Blind. In that capacity, she wrote the Sensory Learning Kit (SLK) Guidebook and Routines book. Her APH product, SAM: Symbols and Meaning is a program designed to address the needs of students with visual and multiple impairments who have mastered SLK level skills.