Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Adaptive Blind and Low Vision Skills for Everyday Living
 Miss State University NRTC
View more by this Provider
 Available Online - https://www.ntac.blind.msstate.edu/courses/courses.php?course=working-with-older
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Angela Shelton ashelton@colled.msstate.edu
Registration Information
 register at NRTC/Mississippi State University Website https://www.ntac.blind.msstate.edu/courses/ Course is free and immediately available upon registration. Ce Unists available upon successful completion of the quiz
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Vision rehabilitation provides individuals who are visually impaired with training on how to effectively and efficiently use residual vision, while also providing training on the use of many alternative non-visual strategies for coping with and managing daily tasks. Adults who are blind or visually impaired can learn alternative methods and techniques to accomplish many of the tasks and activities they performed before they lost vision. Learning objectives: recognize the components of an Independent Living Assessment; identify products and devices, strategies and techniques that people who are blind or visually impaired commonly use; and identify resources for providing adaptive skills training for people with vision loss.